Monday, March 07, 2011

The Pirate Balthasar - Chapter 11B

Click on the title of the post to continue reading from page 13.
Or enjoy our flash version of the chapter.


GreenLemon said...

A day ahead of schedule. Congrats!

dedasaur said...

That's because I live one day ahead of you guys :D, nothing more than that... Singapore is GMT+8!

GreenLemon said...

Ah, but the time on the stamp was before midnight, and I read the time as your time. Don't think I commented at 2 am (though the way I have been not sleeping lately, I might have.)

I still think it is awesome how on schedule you are.

dedasaur said...

Oh that's because the blog is not se to Singapore time... but to Italy's (I don't know how to change that)...
the Calendare is set to singapore's clock instead :D