Wednesday, February 16, 2011

tic tac chapter 11

Let's see what you can gather from this tic tac attack?
Coming up soon...

Kes is feeling....

Foxy has...

Cat is thinking...

The doctor is...


Anonymous said...

Woah! These little snapshots gets my imagination running.
I'm most probably way off but my random guesses are:

Kes is feeling...flirty. Maybe she's drunk off the cassata! XD
Foxy has.... a sister!
Cat is thinking... omg where's the doctor when you need him.
The doc is...wondering how he can explain that he's now married while making it out alive from the ladies claws XD

Looking forward to the unravelling of the story~~

Unknown said...

So Lio will have a rival?
Dr. Fynn sure gets around...
Why would Kes be acting all flirty? Did the cassata put her in that mood, or is she trying to make Dr. Fynn jealous? That's two reasons I'm guessing...